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2023 Foal Crop Recap and Our Expected 2024 Foals


2023 was remarkably educational! The foaling season was beautiful and I feel so fortunate that all 8 foals were born healthy and thriving! The program has grown and changed so much since 2019 and I am now doing all the reproductive work in house. Its been a whirlwind and one of the most challenging things I've ever done, in all honesty I'm sad that it's over and I had to stop myself from checking a few of them "just one more time".

I foaled out a total of 8 amazing babies this year. Two first time moms, three mares that had had babies but not with me, one very experienced mare that presented with a partial red bag delivery(another first for me) and something I will make a separate post on, one mare who almost killed me last year(happy to report we navigated this birth with no attempted murders) and then two that had exceptionally easy picture perfect births. They were all perfect actually, it's the most amazing and beautiful thing to get to

be apart of. There really are no words to describe what it feels like to be there to support them.

This is what it looks like though...

I think this was right after baby #5. Babies 1-5 came within about a 40 day time span early in the spring, it was rough and honestly mostly a blur. Foaling season this year was from March through July and many of the mares went 30 or more days past their "typical" foaling days.

The 2023 Foal Crop!

5 fillies and 3 Colts ❤️

From top left to right: Mirra SW F3 Bay Warlander Filly, Hugo SW F2 Grey Warlander Colt, Cruz SW Smokey Black PRE Colt, Belle SW F2 Grey Warlander Filly, Tzipora SW Dunalino APSL Lusitano Filly, Dona Maitea SW F1 Smokey Grulla Warlander Filly, Enzo SW F1 Bay Warlander Colt and Gemma SW F2 Smokey Black Warlander Filly.

I feel so grateful and fortunate to have a herd like this. I can't wait for the 2024 foal crop and breeding year.

Many of the mares were ready for a break this year so our foal crop is much smaller. I can't wait to meet the ones we're expecting. June can't come fast enough.

Because of the small foal crop we will not be offering any of the 2024 foals in utero.

I will be posting the sign up link for the birth announcement list again soon though.

Please let us know if you have any questions or would like to be added to the birth announcement list for 2024!



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